Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Madrona-better late than never

Madrona. Amazing. Yes, it's a month later, and I'm finally getting around to blogging it, but I didn't want to add this event to the growing list of "damn, I wish I'd blogged that." That list is already waay too long.

Amazing. In these tough economic times, it's great to know people are still finding a way for what is important to them. Over and over I heard...'I've been saving all year...this is my big splurge... this weekend is just for me." And from the number of bulging shopping bags I saw, people aren't afraid of a little stash-enhancement.

This year, I have resolved to knit from stash and only pay cash for what I do buy. No more credit card carnage. At the market, I resisted Blue Moon and Noro, said no to Cascade and O-wool. (sigh). I did, however, turn into a gibbering idiot in Toots LeBlanc. I knew that I would, so I budgeted for it and I forgive myself. Ye
s, I have grown. I also had a nice surprise on the first day of the retreat: I won a doorprize! I won a $30.00 gift certificate to Carolina Homespun. I am not a spinner, but their arsenal of spinning accoutrement was impressive. And this is what bought with it:
A very beautiful skein of Atropos special green silk.
Not quite sure what I'm going to do with it yet, but I'm having fun thinking about it.

I had a great time! I took a couple of classes, did some shopping, ate great food, and had a Yarn Harlot encounter, which I will save for next time.


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